Hello, Poetry Friend
It’s been so fun to have non-poetry and non-painting friends come to Tiny Wildflowers, my art-poetry show with Nan Henke. They look at a painting, they read the poem, they look at the painting again, and then they say, “Hey! I think I’ve seen that one!”
And I reply, “You probably have. All these tiny wildflowers are on Nan’s ranch.” She took pictures and sent them to me, and then we each got busy in our respective creative ways.
Three different friends have texted me a day or two after coming to the exhibit with photos of tiny wildflowers they’ve seen on their walks.
“Is this one of the onions?”
“This is growing out of the curb but it’s kinda pretty!”
“Now I will be much aware because of Megan and Nan.”
Our botanical hero, Thomas Drummond, would be so proud to hear these sentiments (although I’d have to explain texting to this 19th century gentleman explorer). I ended my long poem, written in what I imagine to be his voice, with this admontion:
All you who dwell in this friendly land, notice such small beauty at your feet: more
than you might expect in this state of the lone star. May I bid you Céad míle fáilte,
a hundred thousand welcomes to your home.
The exhibit at the Fredericksburg Art Guild, 308 East Austin Street, Fredericksburg, Texas, closes at 4 p.m. on Sunday, September 1.
Happy poeming!
Texas Frogfruit painting by Nan Henke
Phyla nodiflora, my froggy friend,
my matchweed, you have met your match:
so many butterflies!
–Megan Willome
I've really enjoyed this series, Megan. Just wish I lived close enough to visit the exhibit.
sweet surprises