How beautiful! And of course I am honored that you'd commit my work to memory. What a joy.

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Keep writing, sir. We need your work in the world.

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Oh my, Megan. First of all, thank you for directing me to Paul's poem--I've copied it and can see why it lends itself to memorizing. And your poetic offering in response is wonderful!

Fun fact: I did my Math 45 paper on fractals in nature when I was finishing my B.A. in Liberal Studies for teaching. Tell me Creation doesn't speak of God's amazing hand at every turn.... lungs, leaves, clouds--all of it.

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Jody, that is super cool. I only knew the word from "Let It Go," the song from Frozen, so I had to look it up.

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and, if you really want your mind blown, look up the Mandelbrot Set, the mathematical equation that explains/generates the self-repeating patterns....(wish I could include a photo of the cover of my report paper--it's pretty stunning.)

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Gorgeous, Megan.

And you asked a question I don't want to answer, but after having read this, maybe I can.

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Isn't that what poetry is for? Maybe not to give us an answer, to set the question in a gold bowl, on a silver tray.

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This is absolutely gorgeous, Megan.

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Thank you so much, Rebecca.

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